1. You've only posted two posts in the last 6 months and
2. when two posts ago you wrote what a bad blogger you are.
I'm starting to get sick of many of my friends using Facebook to constantly update me with the minute-to-minute goings on of their kids, and I realized that I'm starting to do the same... so it's back to the blog. I'll bore you all here with the minute-by-minute goings on of my kid :)
Jackson's been SUPER fussy that past few days, and I thought it might be that his top two front teeth were inching their way down to their semi-permanent resting places. But he really should have been over the painful part of that by now, so I decided to let my fingers do a little walking around the inside of his mouth. Low and behold he has two more teeth coming in! His top two lateral incisors. Poor guy. Now I understand all the whining. By Christmas he's going to have a pretty good set of chompers.
We just got our good camera back from the shop, so I snapped of a few (read: 40) pictures of bath time tonight and you can see his top front teeth in all their glory.