I can't believe it's been a month since we (read: I) posted anything about our sweet little boy. I guess we (I) have been too busy taking care of the little critter to keep up on blogging. Bad Mommy!
We're glad to report that he's doing very well... growing like a weed. At our last doctor visit on April 6, he weighed 13 lbs. 4 oz. and was 23 3/4 inches long. He discovered his hands recently and they have become his favorite toys. And he's regularly rolling on his side now. Look out... it won't be long until he's crawling around the house.
He's also sleeping through the night, only waking once or twice to eat then going right back to sleep. If I could just muster the courage to let him sleep in his own crib. I know HE can do it... I just don't know if I can :)
oh my good lord! elisha (and nate, whom i have yet to meet---soon!)........congrats cuz! he is beautiful. happy to hear he's healthy too. how are you holding up? my dad sent me this blog just today, or i would've gotten in contact sooner. i love you and am so happy to be an aunt! jessie's not far behind you!
Hey Dev... send me your email address.